Although change is the only constant in the world, it’s nonetheless the one thing that people resist most. Every manager is familiar with the employee who just won’t change. Sometimes it’s easy to see why—the employee fears a shift in power, the need to learn new skills, the stress of having to join a new team or even the feeling of being ‘orphaned’.
That which doesn’t change doesn’t grow and that which doesn’t grow doesn’t change. Today’s business leaders must continuously and proactively adapt their business strategy to the demands of an ever changing marketplace while ensuring that they achieve their business objectives. One quick win to efficacious change management is ensuring that the organizational culture is aligned to the strategic change desired.
To implement their business strategies and remain competitive, business leaders need to embrace change. Yet when we think about organizations we oftentimes fail to appreciate that every organization is simply the embodiment of its people. The pace of growth or change in any organization reflects the pace of growth or change for its people. Organizational culture is simply people behaviour.
The inference here is that if you want to be effective in managing organizational change you must first be effective in managing people change. Although not all change is the same, there is one common element to change, and that is perception. SHIFT challenges the very psychological foundations upon which people function. It asks people to call into question beliefs they’ve long held close, perhaps since childhood and which have largely kept them at the bleachers of life due to the fear of change.
SHIFT is a two day program that uses John Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model and the Kaizen Principle to inspire the right people attitudes for productive change.